Tastelife is a nine-session weekly group course for sufferers of all types of eating disorder, and those who care for them
The course is non-threatening, educational, and encourages a self-help approach that really works. It is run by trained volunteers who care about those who struggle with eating disorders. Some have been sufferers themselves, or have cared for them.
Eating disorders are often a symptom of deeper problems and, whilst this is not an in-depth course to discover and deal with these underlying issues fully, it goes a long way in equipping participants with real understanding and coping strategies.
The course is accredited by the University of Brighton. It is based on Christian principles and, while not actively promoting the Christian faith, includes a church supplement for use in a Christian context. It is therefore adaptable for and sensitive to those of all faiths or none.
For more information about the course and for other course locations, visit the Tastelife website.
Course Dates:
Time: 19:30 - 21:30
Duration: 9 weeks
Hosted by: Dorcas Boamah and Jen Pringle
Cost: £45
Location: Remotely, via Zoom
Email us
Food is not served on this course. We ask guests to be sensitive to others on the course by refraining from eating during the sessions.
Tastelife is a course led by volunteers who are committed to supporting those that struggle with eating disorders as they seek recovery. We are not able to offer specific medical advice or direction.
Living to eat or eating to live
Mirror, mirror: self-image and addiction
Under the iceberg: emotions
Mind matters
Bad days and good friends
Caring beyond survival
The ‘F’ word: food – friend or foe?
Where now?